If an anvil drops in the Warehouse District…

(If an anvil drops in the Warehouse District…)

Today was Gardner Hardware’s Annual Anvil Drop. Every year they go up to the top of their building and drop eggs, cantaloupe, pineapples, watermelons, and ultimately an anvil onto a junker below. It was great.

There were about 100 people there. They give out free food and it’s generally a lot of fun. Patrick (cousin) was master of ceremonies. My grandma came, as did my mom and aunt and all the cousins (which I suppose is only Mike, since Pat emceed). Pat promised I’d get an anvil shirt, and they’re pretty cool. In the meantime I’ve been working on their logo. It was lost to the ages and so I am recreating it in Freehand from bad scans done over the years. Not fun.