
I haven’t checked in a bit, huh? Alright, the rundown:

  • I finally bought Flintstones’ Sour Gummies vitamins. After some hesitation, I tried one and do declare them to be the tastiest vitamins ever.
  • I was looking through my store the other day and made a curious discovery: I had earned a certain amount from referrals. From seven different people even. If people mention a store when they sign up that store gets a small percentage of sales. So if that’s the case, seven people took it upon themselves to mention my store. Which is pretty nice.
  • I only get Monday off for Christmas. Which I just don’t think is fair. Christmas Eve is stealing my Sunday.
  • My dad was in town last weekend. I don’t see him often so it was great that I got to see him twice in one weekend.
  • We still have no snow around here. Which is odd as the first snow was in early October. All the weather people keep promising us a chance of some snow for Christmas, but they seem to be trying to convince themselves as much as us.