I’m on my own tonight. Ramona has abandoned me for (of all things) a dryer sheet.
She’s a strange cat.
I went and bought Aveda Foot Relief tonight since I’ve been out for some time. Great stuff. Lovely stuff. Addictive stuff. Except they seem to have changed the formula since last I bought some. I don’t like change.
In other news: my first website for a restaurant went semi-live tonight. It needs some changes, but I wanted to get it posted so it’s at least up there.

I’m going to an outdoor celebration hosted by one of my clients. With mom in tow, of course. Hopefully the weather will play nice.
In honor of Mother’s Day, a little history lesson on its roots. It’s a little long, but still as relevant today as it was in 1872. It’s a call for peace.
So next time you think Mother’s Day is some sort of Hallmark-generated consumer-fest, think again.