Usually it’s nice and quiet in my building on Friday nights but currently my upstairs neighbor is playing WoW or something and it is unbelievably loud. As if his playing of U2 and Ryan Adams incessantly wasn’t annoying enough. Ah well. I’m sure he’s a nice guy. Like the majority of my neighbors I’ve never met him.
That’s okay. Not much can kill my mood. It’s Fall. I love Fall. It’s my favorite time of year. And not because it’s almost my birthday. That I’m not too thrilled about. I have soundly declined to celebrate it this year.
No, this is the time when it all starts the routine becomes regular. Kids are back in school, people are gearing up for the holidays, for the Winter. It always seems a little more peaceful. A little more sedate. I like sedate.
Years ago, when my dad and step-mom lived in town they had these really quite cool next-door-neighbors. And I went over to their house for dinner once around this time of year. And as I was sitting there I suddenly realized that Windfall was playing in the background.
Turns out the husband (a very accomplished designer—web and print) had wandered onto this site and discovered that I loved Son Volt (and all things Jay Farrar). He told me that every year around that time he would break out the CD. Said it reminded him of Fall.
If there’s a better compliment I don’t know it.