Have you ever been super super tired but not really noticed that fact or anything else gone awry until you realize you’re carrying on a friendly conversation with your computer screen?
I mean, one-sided of course. The screen isn’t, like, talking back. Just… I mean…
No? Yeah, me neither.
There’s this weird trend lately in insurance company ads. They’ve gone from general “we’re there when you hit a curb because you weren’t paying attention, you moron” to this fatalistic perspective on things. Like everyone in the world has lost their jobs, no one can afford to do anything more than stay home and play board games, and no one has any money left for retirement or school or cars or soap.
I don’t know. I’m certainly not belittling the people ho have lost their jobs (there but for the grace of…) and I know times are tight for a lot of families, but do insurance ads have to be such bummers.
My absolute most-hated ad is this dad talking to his kid about how he might lose his job. And the kid reassures the dad that they’ll be fine. When in the world did it become de rigeur for parents to shove the weight of the world onto their kids?
I forget if it’s the same one where the teen tells his parent he can put off school for awhile because of money. Which, again, who’s the parent here? Don’t burden your child. It’s not healthy and I think it’s lame that an insurance company would portray that as “doing the right thing.” The right thing for whom? I’m thinking not the kid in this instance. Because he’s screwed.
Anyway, I assume it’s fear mongering on the part of the insurance companies. “If we terrify them into assuming the worst is bound to happen, maybe they’ll buy avalanche insurance from us just in case.”
I don’t know. I think ads are getting weirder in general. I’m not sure if it’s because ad execs are just insane now, or if I am.
I’m hoping for the former but assuming the latter.