
So for the last… hell, whenever the show started airing. I have loved The First 48. For a million reasons but mainly because it’s awesome.

I was watching CourtTV the other day and in one of the trials a detective from The First 48 testified. I screamed “Tony!” and then realized that I watch way too much TV, especially when those two shows start overlapping. But I still yelled at my TV every time he was on the stand. The defense attorney was trying their hardest to discredit him and I just kept yelling at my TV, “But that’s Tony! He’s never wrong!”.

Ah. Tangent: I forget the name of the Laitno actor with the droopy eye who was on Oz, but he’s now on Burn Notice. Totally hot. And probably going to die an episode or two from now.

Anyway, The First 48’s been airing Minneapolis investigations lately. And as awesome as that is (we weren’t nicknamed Murderopolis back in the 80s for no reason) I have yet to recognize anyone. Or any location. Although I think I know which strip club they were in front of the other week. But I wanted to be able to go, “Dude! I went to high school with them.” But as far as I know all the people charged with murder from my high school have been in prison for years now.

What else? I’m a little tangent-y today. I’ll come up with something. Clearly I’m avoiding work. Clearly.