
I have until Friday off this week, so I decided to take my vacation day today and then work all day on the Fourth. Being contrary is just so super cool.

I was out for a walk with a friend tonight and we passed by a “We support a traditional marriage” yard sign.

Now put aside the big huge “whatever” look that crossed my face (I’m going to make it my mission to put up stupid ass signs in my yard too. I’ll start with “I support wearing plaid” and eventually “I am pro-buying groceries” to complete the “Who the fuck cares” yard sign trifecta). It struck me as some sort of passive-aggresive attempt to shame a neighbor while at the same time hiding behind/in your house.


My friend that I was on the walk with relayed a story she heard on the radio of a local man whose neighbors put up the same sort of sign. So he decided to go and ask the neighbors—politely, eloquently, I am sure—to take it down. They didn’t do it, but it made the news all the same. I have no idea what reaction she was expecting from me, but my response was, “I don’t like it.”

Because I don’t. It might make for a good “embarassing the uptight sign-owner” story. But no matter how you might feel about the sign, the homeowner has the right to put it in their yard. Just like someone has the right to put up a rainbow flag or a sign that says “I support marriage between two people that love each other” and not be expected to take it down. That’s the way things work.

Personally, I might be more inclined to put up a sign that says “I support some good ol’ man-on-man lovin’ ” and agree to take down my sign if the neighbors took down theirs.

But that’s just me.