
So I’m a little late to this, but about one year and one half day ago, the bridge connecting downtown Minneapolis and Northeast Minneapolis via 35W collapsed.

It wasn’t supposed to (what bridge is?). And even though the casualties were minor (what casualties are ever truly minor?) it impacted a lot of people.

But perhaps out of the blue I came upon a post tonight from a survivor pulled out of the water after falling from the bridge on that day. I should sort of put in the addendum that I came upon it because I designed the site (not build–smarter people than I did that). It was a good and true story that you can read here.

In other news: The anvil? Is going down.

That’s right. The Annual Gardner Hardware Anvil Drop in Downtown Minneapolis is coming up on August 14th. I go every time I can. And promote it every chance I get. ‘Cause it’s just too much cool to stand.

It was actually cancelled last year because of the 35W bridge collapse, come to think of it.

And if you go? The newbies get in real close to witness the carnage that a watermelon hath wrought on a random vehicle. Those who know stand the hell back. Because watermelon carcass travels. There’s a blast radius of 10-12 feet.

Just so you know.