Category: Gossip Girl

It’s Really Complicated
Gossip Girl: Gobble gobble, Upper East Siders. That’s right. It’s Thanksgiving again. And I hope you all brought your appetites. Because today’s the one day a year you’re supposed to count your blessings. And not your calories. I don’t care whether you’re sick to your stomach or simply on a liquid diet. This turkey day […]

Save the Last Chance
Gossip Girl: Desperate times call for desperate measures. And even the most disciplined people can resort to destruction. Chuck: Funny. I didn’t ask for a turndown service. But did you find what you’re looking for? Gossip Girl: While others try to rebuild bridges using more intimate tactics. Serena: If we want to be a couple […]

Where the Vile Things Are
Gossip Girl: They say the early bird gets the worm. Inspiring motivation. If you’re the bird. The worm, however, has no idea when her future will be plucked away by the next airborne attacker. Blair: How dare Humphrey write that I am conniving, manipulative and stuck in high school. I am not all scheme and […]

Monstrous Ball
Gossip Girl: New day, new debs. All dressed up to enter high society. But one fashion faux pas and the dressing down will last a lifetime. Blair: Why are you still chewing? Tell me what you think. Dan: I think, ah, it’s old school. Not in the good way. In the, in the literal way. Like […]

Portrait of a Lady Alexander
Gossip Girl: Extra extra, read all about it. The latest Upper East Sider to take central stage in the social spotlight. But you know what they say, If you can’t take the heat, then move to Hell’s Kitchen. Nate: “Nate Archibald has the opposite of the Midas touch. Instead of everything he touches turning to […]

Dirty Rotten Scandals
Gossip Girl: Manhattan has weathered her share of storms–heat waves, hurricanes, even earthquakes. But these days it looks like a new force of nature is taking shape on the Upper East Side. Blair: Ah, there’s nothing I love more than the sound of a sweatshop in the morning. Blair: The Devil is in the details […]

High Infidelity
Gossip Girl: Up and at ’em, Upper East Siders. It’s important to start your day right. There’s nothing worse than waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Dan: I thought we agreed you’d stop watching me sleep. Georgina (Michelle Trachtenberg): I lied. I’m letting you stay here for free. There has to be […]

Season 6
Gone Maybe Gone Sage: I think it’s really brave. You deciding to run The Spectator on your own. No investors, no partners, no safety net. Nate: Wait, are you here to freak me out or write a paper on my paper? Nate: All right, so we’re not too far from where Gossip Girl said she […]

Season 6
Gone Maybe Gone Today Vanya: You both look so relaxed. Hamptons good for the soul, huh? Lily: Well yes, the Hamptons were lovely, but nothing compared to the Seychelles where Bart and I renewed our vows. Bart Bass (Robert John Burke): Which was restorative. But our time with Eric off the African coast was the […]
Season 6
Gone Maybe Gone Gossip Girl: Welcome back, Upper East Siders. Call me superstitious, but I’ve got a feeling this fall could be my last season. Let’s face it, I’ve been at this a long time. But age breeds wisdom. And this I know: the best is yet to come. Gossip Girl: From all around the […]

Season 6
Gone Maybe Gone 4 Months Ago Georgina Sparks: Could it be any hotter? It’s a good thing you’re not fair-skinned, otherwise your summer under the Tuscan sun would end up under a scalpel removing a melanoma. Dan: I know it was my idea, but why did I bring you to Italy? I should be at […]

Season 6
Gone Maybe Gone Translator: I’m not sure what else I can do. Chuck: Maybe you can translate for me. Do you speak unstable psychopath? {answering the phone} Hello Georgina. To what do I owe the displeasure? Lily: Charles. You shouldn’t have to come home. But I am so glad you did. Chuck: Of course. Lily: […]

Season 6
Gone Maybe Gone Blair: I’m well aware of the deadlines, Mother. You don’t need to put any more pressure on me. The stress is making my hair fall out in clumps. Thank god for this chapeau. If the Olsen Twins can build a fashion empire bossing around pattern drafters then so can I. Georgina: Hello […]

Season 6
Gone Maybe Gone Dorota: Form follows function. Dirty Rotten Scandals Doctor: It seems as if you’re suffering from severe exhaustion and dehydration. Have you been sleeping? Eating? Blair: Do I look like I’ve been eating? Don’t insult me. Dorota: Miss Blair been running around like Rhesus monkey. She take no moment for eating or sleeping […]

Gone Maybe Gone
4 Months Ago Georgina Sparks (Michelle Trachtenberg): Could it be any hotter? It’s a good thing you’re not fair-skinned, otherwise your summer under the Tuscan sun would end up under a scalpel removing a melanoma. Dan: I know it was my idea, but why did I bring you to Italy? I should be at the […]

Season 6
Gone Maybe Gone Serena: What the hell are you doing here? Blair: Ah, looking for you. Georgina: To observe and record. Nate: No, we’re here to help you. Chuck: And get you home. Dan: And, ah, I don’t even know what I’m doing here. {both Blair and Georgina smack him} Serena: Can’t you see there’s […]

Season 6
Gone Maybe Gone Rufus: Lily. What are you doing here? I thought you and Bart were circling the globe on an eighty-foot yacht. Lily: Well the yacht was a hundred and ten feet and most people who’ve actually been on one call it a boat. Rufus: I assume you didn’t come all the way to […]

Season 6
Gone Maybe Gone 4 Months Ago Georgina Sparks: Could it be any hotter? It’s a good thing you’re not fair-skinned, otherwise your summer under the Tuscan sun would end up under a scalpel removing a melanoma. Dan: I know it was my idea, but why did I bring you to Italy? I should be at […]

The Return of the Ring
Gossip Girl: Good morning, Upper East Siders. How do you look today? You know image is everything. But under those perfect clothes and perfect smiles, everyone has their not-so-perfect secrets. Chuck: I take it you’ve decided to have Lola move in for the summer. Nate: She sleeps here every night, I want to see her […]