
Tanith (Peter Wingfield): What just happened? Tok’ra: Sensors detect a mother ship entering orbit. Tanith: We must evacuate immediately. Tok’ra: We have been expecting it. O’Neill ringing in: Hey kids. We’re not parked in a red zone, are we? Teal’c: Tanith was surprised to see us. Jacob: We didn’t want to give him any warning. […]

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Double Jeopardy

Carter: Mission time’s approaching eight hours. What are we going to do? Jackson: Well we can’t tell them the truth. Darian: I do not understand. O’Neill: I know how you feel. Darian: There are two of you? O’Neill: Ah… it’s more complicated than that. Cronus: The treaty between the System Lords and the Asgard does […]

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Hammond: Glad you could make it, Colonel. O’Neill: Wouldn’t miss it, sir. This my favorite part O’Neill: You look tense. Jackson: I’d say anxious. Teal’c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. Jackson: Why? Teal’c: The address for this planet was procured from the Repository of the Ancients. Hammond: What’s it doing? Carter: Flying, […]

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O’Neill: General, I’d like to talk to you about this mission upon which we’re about to embark. It seems a bit ridiculous, doesn’t it? Hammond: Have you met General Ryan? General Ryan: Hello Colonel. O’Neill: The General Ryan? Chief of Staff? General Ryan: That’s right. O’Neill: Shouldn’t there have been a memo or something? General […]

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The Serpent’s Venom

Carter: …The mine will think that Apophis’ ship is firing a weapon, move toward it, and explode. Hammond: Sounds very risky. O’Neill: Insane might be another word. Jacob: Once we’ve moved the mine inside we’re gonna need all the room we can get. Jackson: What about the escape pods? Jacob: If that mine touches anything […]

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Hammond: Is there a problem Colonel? O’Neill: No sir. Not at all. I’m sure Teal’c just felt he’d take her for a spin. Around the world. General Vidrine (Steven Williams): General Hammond has told me nothing but good things. O’Neill: Has he sir? Well then I’m sure he’s left something out. General Vidrine: Such as? […]

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Point of No Return

Martin Lloyd: You’re not dealing with an amateur here. I know all about Roswell, and the Kennedy cover-ups, and the— Hammond fast-forwarding: He goes on like that for a while. Martin Lloyd: …and the CIA-sanctioned microwave harassment, and— Hammond fast-forwarding: Quite a while. Martin Lloyd: …and the lizard people. {Jack smiles}. But the point is, […]

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Divide and Conquer

O’Neill: Tuesday doesn’t work for the President. […] Jackson: The President means no disrespect but he has to appear before Congress on Tuesday and there’s no way to make up an excuse to get out of that. O’Neill: Wednesday? How’s Wednesday? Martouf and Anise argue about the Za’tarc technology O’Neill: Excuse me! Do we or […]

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Gate technician: We’re receiving Bra’tac’s IDC, sir. O’Neill: Bra’tac. Hammond: Open the iris. Have Teal’c come to the Gate room. Shaun’ac (Musetta Vander): I mean you no harm. O’Neill: Bra’tac. You’ve done something with your hair. Shaun’ac: Bra’tac has told me much of the Tau’ri. You are O’Neill. Teal’c’s apprentice. O’Neill: Yeah. {realizing} Apprentice? Shaun’ac: […]

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