
Mitchell: You want the big chair? Carter: Not me. I’ll sit here. Mitchell: Sam, he’s in Washington. Carter: Yeah. Kane: We watched so many barter away their beliefs in exchange for their lives. But Leta, she… she refused to accept it. Jackson: I am sorry. Pernaux (Ernie Hudson): The large vessel appears to be disabled. […]

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Between Two Fires

Narim (Garwin Sanford): Counselor Omoc was well aware that he had very few true friends. He was not concerned with trivial relationships. In his testament, he asked that his memorial be attended only by those whom he respected. Jackson: Uh, no offense, but what are we doing here? Narim: He may not have shown you […]

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O’Neill: So. Who’s on trial? Jackson: -ad. O’Neill: Triad… al. Narim: The decision that the Triad must reach is of great concern to a friend of yours. He is an Abydonian by the name of Skaara. O’Neill: What? Carter: So you built that Stargate? Narim: Yes. Jackson: Way smarter than we are. O’Neill: Ours is […]

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Narim (Garwin Sanford): Don’t… help us. Jackson: We’d be colonizing space right now if it weren’t for the Dark Ages. There was a period of over 7800 years where science was heresy and anathema. Maybe they didn’t have that setback. Omoc (Tobin Bell): Where is this place? Hammond: You’re on a planet called Earth. These […]

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