Between Two Fires

Narim (Garwin Sanford): Counselor Omoc was well aware that he had very few true friends. He was not concerned with trivial relationships. In his testament, he asked that his memorial be attended only by those whom he respected. Jackson: Uh, no offense, but what are we doing here? Narim: He may not have shown you […]

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Shades of Grey

Jackson: Your Eminence, our government has asked us to return to Tollana to arrange formal diplomatic relations with your people. High Chancellor Travell: Consider it done. You are, after all, the people who saved us from the Goa’uld. Jackson: Thank you. Yes. Well. In that spirit we’d like to arrange for a trade. High Chancellor […]

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O’Neill: So. Who’s on trial? Jackson: -ad. O’Neill: Triad… al. Narim: The decision that the Triad must reach is of great concern to a friend of yours. He is an Abydonian by the name of Skaara. O’Neill: What? Carter: So you built that Stargate? Narim: Yes. Jackson: Way smarter than we are. O’Neill: Ours is […]

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