Between Two Fires

Narim (Garwin Sanford): Counselor Omoc was well aware that he had very few true friends. He was not concerned with trivial relationships. In his testament, he asked that his memorial be attended only by those whom he respected. Jackson: Uh, no offense, but what are we doing here? Narim: He may not have shown you […]

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Tanith (Peter Wingfield): What just happened? Tok’ra: Sensors detect a mother ship entering orbit. Tanith: We must evacuate immediately. Tok’ra: We have been expecting it. O’Neill ringing in: Hey kids. We’re not parked in a red zone, are we? Teal’c: Tanith was surprised to see us. Jacob: We didn’t want to give him any warning. […]

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Gate technician: We’re receiving Bra’tac’s IDC, sir. O’Neill: Bra’tac. Hammond: Open the iris. Have Teal’c come to the Gate room. Shaun’ac (Musetta Vander): I mean you no harm. O’Neill: Bra’tac. You’ve done something with your hair. Shaun’ac: Bra’tac has told me much of the Tau’ri. You are O’Neill. Teal’c’s apprentice. O’Neill: Yeah. {realizing} Apprentice? Shaun’ac: […]

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