Random Shoes

Eugene Jones: The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second. Pain travels through the body at 350 feet per second. Even a sneeze can reach a hundred miles per hour. And as for life. Well, that just bloody whizzes by. So then. This is me. Eugene Jones. Eugene Jones (Paul Chequer): Am I dead? Eugene: Stick with […]

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They Keep Killing Suzie

Detective Swanson (Yasmin Bannerman): At last, you must be Torchwood. My team bitch about you all the time. Jack: And you are? Detective Swanson: Detective Swanson. Jack: I’m Captain Jack Harkness. Detective Swanson: So I’ve heard. Tell me something, are you always this dressy for a murder investigation? Jack: What, you’d rather me naked? Detective […]

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Small Worlds

Jack: You shouldn’t be here. Ianto: Neither should you. Jack: What have you got? Ianto: Funny sort of weather patterns. Estelle: Fairies are shy, you see. But I know in my heart that they’re friendly, loving creatures. She ends the lecture. Thank you. Jack: Wrong. She always gets it wrong. Gwen: Well I suppose one […]

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Ghost Machine

Gwen: I’ve lost him, Tosh. I’ve lost him. Tosh: I swear, whatever it is, you’re holding it. Jack: Gwen? Are you all right? Gwen: I’ve just seen a ghost. Owen: Intense emotions can be part of a neurological event. Hallucinations. Dementia. Gwen: I wasn’t hallucinating, Owen. And I’m not bloody senile. Jack: You pushed this […]

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Day One

Jack: All right, usual formation. Gwen: What’s the usual formation? Owen: Varies. Gwen: How can the usual formation vary? Jack: What do we know? Owen: Bog standard space debris. to Gwen. That’s a technical term. Gwen: Yeah, thanks. Owen: Make yourself useful, sweetheart. Pass us that big chisel from the toolbox. Gwen: Not sweetheart. Gwen. […]

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Everything Changes

“Move ’em back,” they said. “Leave it safe.” “Special access,” they said. Gwen Cooper: For who? Torchwood. Gwen: Who’s Torchwood? PC Andy Davidson: Special Ops or something. about the coffee. Is that hot? Gwen: Ah yeah, have it. But they’re not allowed in there. They could contaminate the evidence and all sorts. I mean how […]

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