
Tosh: Not a species we’ve encountered before. Owen: Well let’s hope they’re friendly then. Jack: You know these creatures are very quiet. Owen: Maybe they’re sleeping. Ianto: Or hatching. Tosh: Or maybe they aren’t creatures at all. Jack: They’re explosive devices. Owen: Snap. 1,392 Deaths Earlier: Jack: Ladies! Torso of steel, shillin’ a feel! Any […]

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Jack: You’re late! Gwen: Yes. Paris, was lovely thank you. {sees a new person} Who the hell is this? Adam (Bryan Dick): Just ’cause that’s what I said to you on your first day. Remember? {he implants their history} Gwen: Sorry, couldn’t resist! Gwen: He’s deluded! He keeps saying he’s my boyfriend. Jack: He is. Its Rhys. Gwen: I’ve never seen him before […]

Read More… from Adam