New site, who dis?
Still working a couple of bugs out. If you notice anything weird or wrong (outside of the normal weird or wrong) let me know. […]
Still working a couple of bugs out. If you notice anything weird or wrong (outside of the normal weird or wrong) let me know. […]
I’ve been getting a ton of emails from Match.com lately—people that would be the perfect match for me or have liked my profile. If I were into guys in their 50s. That really liked cats. And lived in Canada. The curse of the Totally Awesomely Cool Gmail Address strikes again. I swear over the years I’ve […]
I keep seeing ads for a show on NatGeo about Doomsday Preppers. Which couldn’t help but remind me of my own experience with someone afraid of the coming Apocalypse. Plus it’s easier to add a repost than come up with something new: How Not to Prepare for the Apocalypse […]
I am currently sitting in the lobby of a hotel in Iowa City. Hootie and the Blowfish is playing overhead and Two and a Half Men is on the television in front of me. Neither of which I can change. It’s like my worst nightmares have joined forces to create a perfect storm of awful. […]
I am having a stupidly bad day. I’m trying to wrap things up before leaving on business and it’s not going well. Mainly because I have two websites that got hacked and I’ve been trying to fix them for a few days. Thought I had it finally covered. Woke up this morning and it’s back. […]
So the next Presidential election looms and we’re in the thick of the primaries. I’ve sort of accepted that there’s a good chance my team’s not going to win this one. And I’m okay with that. It’s how these things work. But I must admit the GOP primaries have me worried. Although not for the […]
It wouldn’t be a new year without a new Pantone Color of the Year. This year it’s Tangerine Tango. Or 7625C for those of you keeping score with a handy dandy Pantone book. I have two, just for the record. Ostensibly because I need them to pick colors when dealing with printed pieces but mainly […]
I had kind of a crappy week. Just par for the course really. But that’s neither here nor there. And eventually I should write down some thoughts about the passing of Steve Jobs. ‘Cause I have a lot of them. And about the fact that Occupy MN started today. ‘Cause I have a lot of […]
I am currently off-world. Or off-planet. One of the two. Maybe both. Maybe neither. What’s it to you? I’m also tired and a little punchy. Clearly. Anyway I am visiting my folks (one-half of my folks) in a far off and distant land known as “Wisconsin”. It’s a mysterious place, full of cows and cranberries […]
I have seen some truly questionable theories put forth by television programs over the years. But none so questionable as When Pop Culture Saved America: A 9/11 Story. Which is—apparently—the story of how celebrities eased America’s pain after 9/11. I won’t lie. I didn’t watch it. I did sit and stare at my television for […]
I think I have a cold. Which is so not fair. I’m still trying to work out exactly why it’s not fair though. I believe it has something to do with it being a holiday weekend. Or it being September. Although it is sort of chilly these days. We went from 90s last week to […]
Right. So I finally gave in and started tweeting. I haven’t actually decided if this will last more than a week or two (since I may not ever have anything to say–especially in a shortened version). So me and Twitter are sort of doing a trial marriage. I still think she’s a shallow, mindless bimbo […]
So anyone that knows me knows I’m a huge fan of cartoons. My current favorite would have to be Martha Speaks. Because I gotta say, the writers make me laugh out loud on occasion. Which doesn’t happen often—animated or live action. Plus the theme song is super catchy. Just sayin’. But the award for worst […]
I find it slightly ironic that since I started building websites almost exclusively in WordPress I’ve pretty much abandoned my little corner in here. Well not ironic so much as true to form. Once this site starts feeling too much like my work I tend to lose interest. Doesn’t mean I haven’t wanted to write […]
I’m currently trying very very hard to ignore my toenails. Well. One toenail anyway. And it’s not going well. See, after I got back from New York the nails on my right foot were all bruised and grumpy. I would imagine it had something to do with walking flippin’ everywhere— Is it really so wrong […]
I’m not entirely sure how I feel about bin Laden’s death. His death is really only a symbolic one. He stopped being a person ten years ago, and became the symbol of 9/11 and terrorism, and he’s been ducking and running ever since. So his demise has no real impact (from a organizational perspective) on […]
The problem with using this site as a guinea pig for my work is that, although I figure out and implement super handy things over here, I promptly forget how I did it. So when I’m in the middle of a project, have a problem, and think, “Hey! I solved this on my own site. […]
Well that was creepy. I went to write this and happened to glance at the numbered of published posts, which is (until this is published, so which was) 666. I’m not sure what’s more disturbing, the fact that I have inflicted my random thoughts upon the world almost seven hundred times, or that my blog […]
“I went through this as co-chair of the Arts Caucus. In ’94 people were elected simply to come here to kill the National Endowment for the Arts. Now they’re here to kill women.” —Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (D–NY), on the government’s potential shutdown over Planned Parenthood […]