When I was a sophomore in high school I had this absolutely crazy English teacher. He was eccentric—sarcastic, rather jaded, a little off… lecherous at times—and (due to a childhood accident) had only one arm. So he definitely stood out. A lot of students thought he was a little too eccentric and avoided his classes […]
Category: Uncategorized
My good God. What is wrong with this country? Our current domestic policy seems to be, “You can’t afford basic things like food, housing, healthcare? You have a disability or other issues that make it difficult to work or take care of yourself or your loved ones? Well. Sucks to be you, doesn’t it?” I […]
You know, it’s funny the things you run into by accident. Case in point: Kenneth Mars died this Saturday. “Who?” Perhaps an unfamiliar name, but not for someone (like me) who was obsessed with Mel Brooks films when she was a little girl. Kenneth Mars played Inspector Kemp in Young Frankenstein. I think I’ll have […]
I cannot even imagine what’s going on in Egypt right now. I mean I can. I’m watching it on TV. For a nation rise up and take control of its own destiny like that, it’s beautiful. The strength of the Egyptian people is… beautiful. I can’t help but sit in awe right now. I love […]
Well as far as I can tell (although I will admit to avoiding the news lately) someone has yet to stand up and take any personal responsibility for the Tucson shootings. Although I’m not surprised, it would have at least been refreshing. But nope. Seems both sides are back to finger pointing and name calling—this […]
Hm. Haven’t been in here in awhile. Clearly. “I love what you’ve done with the place!” Thanks. Redecorated over the holidays. Still getting used to it, but for now I think it’ll stay. It’s hard to avoid the news this weekend, so I’ve been watching coverage of the shootings in Tucson. It’s just heart-breaking on […]
Forget the fact that she’s nuts for a minute. Crazy or sane, Michele Bachmann is just one highly inarticulate woman. It’s downright stunning. Ah well. I am watching election returns and probably will be watching them all night into early tomorrow AM. Despite the fact that I don’t really care who wins. Horrible, I know. But […]
Okay, let’s play a game! Oh, it’ll be fun. No really, it will. This game is entitled You Know This Week is Going to be a Strange One When…. I’ll go first: “You know this week is going to be a strange one when…” …a middle-aged housewife starts sending you photos of her in various […]
I’m sitting in my living room watching an insurance adjuster look over my car. I was out of town over the weekend and caught in a hail storm. I figured it was a bit of a wash, given my deductible. I thought I’d at least see what the difference was. But now I’m feeling a […]
Weird. My cable box just went haywire and now the DVR list has folders for each series. Usually when my DVR goes wonky I lose shows, not gain features. Makes me nervous. […]
So due to a variety of circumstances—the main one being an inopportune power outage—I missed the finale of So You Think You Can Dance. And it took a bit but I finally tracked it down and watched it. And I must say it was worth the effort. And when I went to look something or […]
So in the past week I’ve been counting all the signs that fall is nearing. I do like me some fall so I can’t complain too much, but it’s the bit right past that I have trouble with. Anyway summer camp keeps popping up. First a new series about a weight loss boarding camp, but […]
So for years now I’ve been going back and forth on creating a Facebook page for this site. Pro: I can post notes on updates and changes easily. Con: If no one joins I’ll take it way too personally. But I finally decided late last night that I would get over any hurt feelings and […]
I gotta admit it, even doing insurance ads Dean Winters is all different shades of awesome. I’m currently waiting for feedback from clients so I figured I’d drop in here. There is just plain nothing on TV this afternoon. Not even any good marathons. So I’m stuck watching some Conspiracy Theories ‘R’ Us: 2012 on […]
I was on my way to a client meeting this afternoon and a few blocks from my house I passed by two kids frantically waving down cars and passersby. With the ultimate goal of getting them to buy some lemonade from their lemonade stand. My first thought was, “There is no way I’m going to […]
I’m currently ignoring the Presidential Address. I’m currently ignoring a lot of things, really. But that one is the most recent. I’m tired of hearing how President Obama isn’t doing enough in terms of the Gulf Coast oil catastrophe (I’m tired of hearing “spill”)? So what precisely should he be doing differently? What would solve […]
I’ve been doing some cleaning today. I have a bit of an ulterior motive (since “to make things cleaner” never seems to be enough of one). I’m missing a ring. And not just any ring, my favorite ring. So I’m pretty bummed. I actually lose rings all the time, but they always seem to turn […]
My god, it’s like some sort of Perfect Storm of finales and swan songs this week. Biggest Loser, American Idol (and Simon), 24, Lost, Dancing with the Stars… some other stuff… If I weren’t so annoyed with television in general I’d probably be more excited about that. Don’t get me wrong. Despite my lack of […]
I was half-listening to the news this morning and heard that (what was originally reported to be) EU500 million in art had been stolen from a Paris museum. But the part that caught my ear was the mention that they first realized there had been a burglary when a padlock was broken and a window […]
Stupid Times Square bomb scare interrupting my Saturday night Lockup marathon. Bart: Just so you don’t hear any crazy rumors, I’m being indicted for fraud in Australia. Homer: Pfft. That’s no reason to block the TV. […]