Yay, Friday! I checked out of work early today (I love that I can do that) to get home and just relax. Yay, Relax! This week was a long one. Yesterday especially. You know your day is going to be interesting when you get a collect call from a Hennepin County jail inmate. It was, […]
Category: Uncategorized
I can’t remember if it’s Tuesday or Wednesday today. And it wasn’t like one time, it was all day I kept getting confused. The only way I seem to be remembering it is that The OC is back tomorrow. It will also be the debut of The OC Update mailing list. I like to at […]
I’m sorry, but screw my petty crap. What the hell is going on in NOLA? I did a mental inventory of family, friends, and readers I know and no one—I hope—is currently in New Orleans. Except for one relative in Monroe (four hours north), but I think she’s safe. My thoughts go out to everyone […]
I went to the wedding of a high school friend tonight. Had a great time, which included seeing two other high school friends I hadn’t seen in over ten years. Which was great because there is nothing worse than showing up at a wedding alone and knowing no one really except for the bride (she’s […]
The VMA’s are tomorrow. I think I’ll make a sincere and concerted effort not to watch. It’ll be hard, especially since I enjoy seeing who hasn’t quite mastered the art of lip-synching. But I have to be strong. MTV sucks. As much as they try to pretend they’re not a corporate shill… they’re just a […]
I woke up a few minutes ago (at 5 AM) to the sound of an intense rain on my window and thunder (with a bit of lightning mixed in just for fun). When I was a little little girl I was always afraid of big storms. I don’t think it helped that with big storms […]
Sneezers. Complete sneezers. I hate allergies. I have my cable set to record any Homicide episode that airs. These days they only air crossover episodes with Law and Order. And one was on tonight. With JK Simmons as a Neo-Nazi. What’s Tom Fontana up to these days anyway? I miss The Jury. […]
Well that was no fun. The dumpster is already gone. Oh well. Anyway. I have no work coming in right now. Which always makes me nervous. Anyone need a website? […]
Hm. A large dumpster has shown up outside my livingroom window. Which is nothing new. For the year and a half that I’ve lived here maybe 4 dumpsters have shown up and been filled up with stuff from the apartment next door. Which begs the question: who the hell lives there? It’s like everyone that […]
I’m taking odds on whether or not the power’s going out again tonight. It’s been flickering on and off a bit. I’m getting tired of power outtages. I’m out of rants. They’re all gone. I was thinking about turning this rant page into streaming video of a rant as told through interpretive dance, but my […]
I am in an exceedingly bad mood this Sunday. I’m hot and I’m allergic to the world. Which means my skin itches like crazy. It doesn’t help that I’m allergic to my cat. Well, Dan and Steve, I tried voting for you two at the Food Network site and couldn’t get on. So good luck […]
I was beginning to think I was—perhaps—not prophetic about high school reunions, but I was wrong. We’ve got one coming up in November. I honestly have yet to decide on my attendance. I foresee only unhappiness. But I am rather dour and paranoid. […]
I’m cleaning house today. Which means I’ve been finding a bunch of random things from my varied past. Hm. Not much use for a backstage pass for an “all male review” (long story). Why do I keep these things? […]
Lost power again. It was only for a few hours this time, but still annoying. I had my flashlight. I had my laptop batteries charged. I was prepared, dammit. But I still ran into rude neighbors. I give up. Once the power went back on I was flipping channels and I ran into Late Late […]
Bad day. A few months ago in an attempt to piss off people who were taking my quotes verbatim and not giving me credit, I fought back by changing an image they were hotlinking to. And forgot to update my pages. So I had a rather… unfortunate… image on one of my quote pages. Serves […]
Quiet day. I treated my cousin to lunch. I didn’t mean to, frankly. I missed a call on my cell phone and checked the last incoming number, which was him. Turns out he hadn’t called me, but he did ask if I wanted to go out for lunch. So I met him at his work […]
Rant deleted. See, if you don’t check it every 15 minutes you might miss some incredibly insane rant. ‘Cause I’m full of those. Anyway: I’ve been watching Operation Homecoming. Soldiers coming home to their family and their stories. I like it. I have two grandfathers that served in WWII and an uncle that was in […]
I attended a wedding today. Two former co-workers were getting hitched. I didn’t know who exactly was coming from the office, so I was pleased to pull into the lot at the same time as one of the designers. Within a few minutes the two bosses and their wives and another ex-coworker appeared. Which I […]
It’s time for another Summer Season episode! Ready? Begin! I lived with a woman for two years that I like to call Nightmare Roommate (NR for short). She didn’t immediately earn that moniker, but it certainly didn’t take long, believe you me. A few personality details to give you a general idea about NR: • […]
I had a bit of a panic yesterday. Won’t discuss why. But I’m doing better. And I just realized that today is the day I retire my April rant. So consider it retired. […]