Philippe Starck and Fallingwater

Philippe Starck is Target’s new it-boy—Michael Graves’ heir-apparent. I like Graves’ work, but it was more whimsical. Nothing all that evolutionary/revolutionary. Starck, in my humble opinion, does a much better job of creating pieces that blend form and function. On a semi-related note, my dad returned from Alaska last week (he landed on a glacier […]

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Pretension and Banks

So there’s this billboard for a bank that I see when I’m coming home from my mom’s house that says, and I quote: Unbought, uncompromised, unpretentious. Or something like that. Now forgive me, but isn’t that the height of pretension? Main Entry: pre·ten·tious Pronunciation: pri-‘ten(t)-sh&s Function: adjective Date: 1837 1 : characterized by pretension : […]

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