It appears to be Night of the Living Dead. Or… Undead. Or… whatever. It’s Zombie Town on SciFi! I was feeling a little pissed off last night at my former employers. It still happens now and then. As luck would have it, one of them has a rather active anti-fan base online, so whenever I […]
Category: Uncategorized
I have until Friday off this week, so I decided to take my vacation day today and then work all day on the Fourth. Being contrary is just so super cool. I was out for a walk with a friend tonight and we passed by a “We support a traditional marriage” yard sign. Now put […]
It was bound to happen sooner or later, I suppose… a potentially large plot point on a show I quote has been spoiled for me because of searches into the site. In unrelated news, Doctor Who starts up again in the US on Friday. […]
I am currently boycotting adding any sort of writing or musings to this site. It was a difficult decision, but until the US withdraws all military presence from Canada my silence will remain testament to my disapproval. Oh who am I fooling with my awesome lies? I just can’t think of anything to write. […]
I was deciding on which type of eye cream gunk to buy yesterday (you’ll just have to bear with me on this one). Because how do you know what really works anyway? Usually no matter what you buy the product doesn’t actually do anything. I assume that’s the unspoken rule about women’s beauty products—they’re useless. […]
Look. If people would just stop paying attention to rich, out-of-control idiots they’ll go away. Everyone claims not to care—or even hate—these people, and yet they go on and on about them. No wonder they’re in the media every five minutes. Just. Don’t. Care. Really. Ignore them. Whatever. On to more important things: I went […]
I think I need to drum up some corporate sponsors for my cult. Nothing big. Maybe a drink company or indie record label. It could happen. Right now, however, I’m trying to figure out whether I have a cold, allergies, strep or the plague. My throat is driving me nuts. I’d throw in a TB […]
So far my cult has The Well of Eternal Bliss and Plastic Frogmen. And that’s about it. Starting a cult is a lot more complicated than I had imagined. I wonder if there’s a “Starting a Cult for Dummies” book out there. They have one for just about everything else. I think my cult needs […]
Don’t think I’ve abandoned the whole starting-a-cult thing. I’m still working out the details. For instance, living quarters. I mean, one or two followers could probably fit in my livingroom okay but if this catches on I gotta accommodate the masses. And I’m not giving up my room. But I have decided that there will […]
First they came for the LiveJournal users. And I did not speak up, because I was not a LiveJournal user… That sucks that LJ is deleting/policing blogs they think are of questionable content, but the furor created is a bit ridiculous. When you’re using someone else’s (generally free) service, they have the right to do […]
I just returned from a road trip to the lovely city of Milwaukee. And all I could think of was: Record Book: Springfield is now the fattest city in the U.S. Homer: Woo hoo! In your face, Milwaukee! Lovely place, though. We celebrated a cousin’s graduation with brunch at Mader’s, a German restaurant downtown. Good […]
Not one to sit and wallow in self-pity (much) I am currently weighing options for my future plans. I have a handful of ideas that need to be better organized. In the meantime, a list of ten things you may (or may not) know about me. And in the interest of making this rant interactive, […]
Jerry Falwell’s funeral was today. And I’m a little bummed because I had planned on watching it. Mainly to see which (if any) Republican candidates for president might show up but also because WBC were supposed to show up and protest. Oh well. My mom has been at me for ages now to go through […]
It’s that time of the television year again: season finales. I can’t say I’m sad about that. I need a break. And some sleep. But I thought I’d say Hi. I’ll talk to y’all soon. […]
If a helicopter falls in the city and there’s no one there to tell Claire about it, does it make a noise? What? This afternoon two different people came into the shop and mentioned that a helicopter had landed in the Target parking lot nearby. Which I thought odd, but promptly forgot about it. I […]
I’m on my own tonight. Ramona has abandoned me for (of all things) a dryer sheet. She’s a strange cat. I went and bought Aveda Foot Relief tonight since I’ve been out for some time. Great stuff. Lovely stuff. Addictive stuff. Except they seem to have changed the formula since last I bought some. I […]
I survived the doctor visit. Barely. Actually it’s been weird. A lot of the different treatments and shots and things that I was told I would be getting I haven’t gotten. I’m not complaining or anything. I’m the last person to jump up and down and shout, “What about that shot I’m supposed to get […]
Sounds like Tammy Faye is not long for this world. Poor dear. She seems like a lovely person. And yes, I base that on Surreal Life. I base many decisions on television viewing. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. Just to remind you, dear reader, one of the reasons I took so long to get […]
It’s midnight and I’m finishing up work for the evening. Sadly, this is early for me these days. I find it weird that I wound up in the hospital for (among other things) over-work and am now busier than I was before. That’s okay though. I need the money. My hope that the hospital would […]
So my American Idol thought for the week: tonight Blake did You Give Love a Bad Name as a sort of… I don’t know… techno beatbox mishmash. And although it’s being praised as original and daring, I couldn’t help but be reminded of Orbital’s mix of that song with Heaven is a Place on Earth. […]