There’s no crying and politics.

Where to begin. Ventura appointed Dean Barkley to replace Wellstone until election results are official. Which is actually quite cool. Barkley and Wellstone were friends, if I recall. When they were running against each other in the last senate election they would carpool to debates together. And Barkley seems like a pretty Wellstone-ish guy. And […]

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Nightmare Roommate and I broke up finally.

What a long weekend. It’s official. I’m finally done with Nightmare (ex) Roommate forever. As predicted, she was rude to me when I went to clean on Saturday. I skipped out on her on Friday because her idea of cleaning was to basically clean every single nook and cranny of the entire apartment. I’ve lived […]

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Nightmare Roommate and cats and beer. Oh dear.

Thought I’d post a NR story: Nightmare Roommate likes cats. Claire tangent: Ramona HATED her because she would pick her up and squeeze her and try to pet her. Ramona is far too aloof to allow that sort of nonsense. So she hid from her. Nightmare Roommate likes cat-themed things because she likes cats. So […]

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If an anvil drops in the Warehouse District…

Today was Gardner Hardware’s Annual Anvil Drop. Every year they go up to the top of their building and drop eggs, cantaloupe, pineapples, watermelons, and ultimately an anvil onto a junker below. It was great. There were about 100 people there. They give out free food and it’s generally a lot of fun. Patrick (cousin) […]

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