Hell Bent
The Doctor: Nothing’s sad until it’s over. Then everything is. […]
The Doctor: Nothing’s sad until it’s over. Then everything is. […]
The Doctor: As you come into this world, something else is also born. You begin your life, and it begins a journey towards you. It moves slowly, but it never stops. […]
The Doctor: There have always been rumors. Stories passed from traveler to traveler, mutterings about hidden streets. Secret pockets of alien life right here on Earth. […]
Gagan Rassmussen: You must not watch this. I’m warning you. You can never unsee it. But if you do watch. Gagan Rassussen. I’m Gagan Rassmussen. […]
Bonnie: I know what you are. Etoine (Nicholas Asbury): Please. Please. Bonnie: I’m going to set you free. Humans cannot accept the way we really are. If we cannot hide we must fight. You are going to be the first. The first to make the humans see. Bonnie: Commander here. The first one has been changed. I’m going to UNIT to […]
Osgood (Ingrid Oliver): Hello. Osgood: Do you want to—? Osgood: No, you can if you want to. Both: Should we do it together? Both Osgoods: Operation Double. The Zygon Peace Treaty. Osgood: I’m Osgood. Osgood: I’m also Osgood. Osgood: Remember that. It’ll be important later. Osgood: Operation Double is a covert operation—outside of normal UNIT strictures—to resettle and rehouse an […]
Mr. Fanshawe (John Voce): I will not be robbed by some lone, ranting cavalier! The Nightmare: Who says I am alone? {red eyes glow in the distance} The Nightmare: What are you doing? The Doctor: Oh just ignore me, just passing through. Like fish in the night. The Nightmare: This is a robbery. The Doctor: It’s not fish in the, […]
Clara: Doctor! Doctor! The Doctor: Yes, you’re the very next thing on the list. Clara: Doctor! Help me! The Doctor: Clara, I’m under attack from four and a bit. Battle fleets, in case you think I’m slacking. Clara: Doctor, I think there’s something in my spacesuit. The Doctor: That’s possible actually. You were too long in the spider mines. Clara: Okay, explain. The […]
The Doctor: So there’s this man, he has a time machine. Up and down history he goes, zip zip zip zip zip. Getting into scrapes. Another thing he has is a passion for the works of Ludwig van Beethoven. And one day he thinks, “What’s the point of having a time machine if you don’t get […]
Quick note: all words from Cass as interpreted by Lunn are attributed to Cass (since she’s technically speaking). Quicker note: Toby Whithouse rocks. The Drum: Underwater Mining Facility Caithness, Scotland 2119 Captain Jonathan Moran (Colin McFarlane): Private journal of Captain Jonathan Moran. 21st November, 2119. We have located a craft of unknown origin on the lake floor. Visual scans in situ […]
Missy: He’s trapped at the heart of the Dalek empire. He’s a prisoner of the creatures who hate him most in the universe. Between us and him is everything the deadliest race in all of history can throw at us. We, on other hand, have a pointy stick. […]
MISSY: Doctor, listen to me. I know traps. Traps are my flirting. This is a trap. THE DOCTOR: I am prepared. […]
[nextpage title=”page 1″] The Magician’s Apprentice Ryan (Dasharn Anderson) dropping his gum in a bin: Will I get it back after school? Clara: How will you know which one’s yours? Clara: Right. Now where was I? Jane Austen. Amazing writer, a brilliant comic observer, and—strictly amongst ourselves—a phenomenal kisser. Clara: Everybody turn on their phones. News websites and Twitter. Hashtag: #planeshavestopped. […]
Santa Claus (Nick Frost): Moron! Numbskull! Elf! Ian (Dan Starkey): That’s racist! Santa Claus: Of course it’s not racist. You are an elf. Chimneys? Ian: I’m sorry? Santa Claus: I’m just checking that you can see these massive chimneys. Ian: They’re hard to miss! Santa Claus: Well as you’ve clearly demonstrated, Ian. Ian: You know no one really likes the tangerines […]
Clara: Stop! You can’t kill me. Cyberman: Incorrect. Clara: I’m a target of strategic value. Alive, I’m a tactical advantage. Dead, I’m your biggest mistake. You don’t know who I am. Cyberman: You are Clara Oswald. You are human. You are unimportant. Clara: Incorrect. You see that is what you’re supposed to think. That is what everybody […]
The Doctor We’re going to hell. Or wherever it is people go when they die—if there is anywhere. Wherever it is, we’re gonna go there and we’re gonna find Danny. And if it is in any way possible, we’re gonna bring him home. […]
Maebh (Abigail Eames) knocking on the TARDIS: I’m lost. Please, can you help me? The Doctor pointing: It’s that way. {looking out} Are those trees? Maebh: I need the Doctor. Are you the Doctor? The Doctor: Yes. Do you have an appointment? You need an appointment to see the Doctor. Maebh: Please, something’s chasing me. The Doctor demonstrating: When you […]
THE DOCTOR: Could you not just let me enjoy this moment of not knowing something? I mean it happens so rarely. […]
The Doctor: Start the clock. Mrs. Pitt (Janet Henfrey): Is there some sort of fancy dress thing on this evening? Maisie Pitt (Daisy Beaumont): I don’t think so. Why do you ask? Mrs. Pitt: Well that fellow over there. Dressed as a mummy monster thing. Maisie: What do you mean? I can’t see him. Mrs. Pitt: Hello. You! […]
The Moon 2049 Clara: Hello. Hello. Hello, Earth. We have a terrible decision to make. It is an uncertain decision and we don’t have a lot of time. The man who… nromally helps, he’s gone. Maybe he’s not coming back. In fact… I really don’t think he is. We’re on our own. So… an innocent […]
Clara: There’s no way out of this. We’re gonna die here. The Doctor: Pass me the vibrocutters. Clara: They’re in my pocket. The Doctor: Come on, then. Pass them to me. Clara: In my other jacket. At home. The Doctor: Why have you got two jackets? Is one of them faulty? Clara: We’re gonna starve […]